Astrology is the ancient and divine science of predicting the course of human destinies based on the position and movements of planets. In today’s fast-moving world, everyone is interested to know what is his or her future. It is the one thing that is common in everyone; poor or rich, infamous or famous, all are deeply concerned about future.

In astrology, predictions are based on the placement of planets at the time of date, time and place of birth. The accuracy of predictions depends upon the exact date, place and hours & minutes of date of birth. The following astrological services are available:-

Prediction Charges

1. One year day-to-day personalised prediction (for 365 days) available. Send your name, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and starting date of prediction alongwith a demand draft for Rs. 1100/- or US$ 55/-.Predictions will be sent by Post or E-mail.

2. Life's general predictions including next 30 years predictions available. Send your name, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth alongwith a demand draft for Rs. 3600/- or US$ 180/-. Predictions will be sent by Post or E-mail.

Consultation Charges

Astrological consultancy available by experts. Send your name, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and your current problem (maximum 3 questions) alongwith a demand draft for Rs. 2100/- or US$ 105/-. Answer to your questions alongwith remedies will be sent to you by Post or E-mail.